I cannot live without one thing that I must carry with me all the times; it is my ghd hair straightener. Since my hair type is frizzy,
thus before I will even think of setting my foot outside my home, I need to follow the ritual of straightening my hair on a daily basis.
And there is nothing best in the market than a ghd hair straightener to straighten out my locks all the times.
One problem that I had heard from people more than experiencing it myself is that over the past two years or so, number of fake ghd hair straightener that are being sold online. I have sorted out a good solution for this and you can also validate your ghd hair straightener online by putting together a little guide to help you spot fake and counterfeit ghd straighteners.
IF you are shopping online for your ghd hair straightener, make sure that you are buying it from one of the authentic ghd vendors. Most of the websites that sell ghd’s may target the UK businesses but in real are often based in China. So beware of such websites and try finding our where that website is hosted. You can find a list of authorised retailers on the official site of ghd. My second tip is to compare the prises. An authentic piece of ghd hair straightner would cost you something around £119 and the cheapest I have ever seen being sold for is for £88.50 that too at some discount offer. Any website that sells ghd’s less than this should easily set off alarm bells in your head. Do not get away in the sales gimmicks of the websites or shops lest you can end up buying a fake ghd hair straightner.
I know of a website online that sells genuine ghd hair straightener. Bewareoffakes will guide you to understand the difference between the genuine and fake ghd’s.